Saturday, December 3, 2011

Video: Cain: ?Stupid people are ruining America?

>>> the presidential race . the republican front -runners are trading jabs as herman cain tries to rally support in the states to stay in the race. chuck todd is nbc 's chief white house correspondent. good morning.

>> reporter: good morning. despite all the talk about herman cain reassessing his campaign following the latest allegations of infidelity cain is showing no signs he is about to drop out of the race, and unless his family is pressuring him to do it there may not be much incentive for him to get out.

>> these stupid people are ruining america.

>> reporter: with his fading campaign in jeopardy herman cain is defiant oddly choosing to campaign in ohio wednesday, a state whose primary is seven months away. cain told supporters the allegations were a conspiracy.

>> they're attacking my character, my reputation, and my name in order to try and bring me down.

>> reporter: cain told fox news he'll decide whether to stay in the race by next week, acknowledging the accusations of infidelity and sexual harassment have taken their toll.

>> it is constantly weighing on me and my family, especially my family, because it continues to stir in the news.

>> reporter: later, in new hampshire , cain spoke about his wife, gloria.

>> i have talked to my wife many times since monday about this situation. i have not talked to her face to face . that's what i said. we have had many lengthy conversations. this is another reason why i am not going to make a decision until after we talk face to face .

>> reporter: still, cain 's acting like he's staying in the race. the campaign unveiled this new tv ad set to debut friday in iowa.

>> if you make me america's ceo we the people will take this country back.

>> reporter: in iowa, another former top tier candidate, michele bachmann , attracted unwanted attention with these comments on iran.

>> you may have heard that there is a break-in at the british embassy and the british had to pull their people out. that's exactly what i would do. we wouldn't have an american embassy in iran . i wouldn't allow that to be there.

>> reporter: bachmann's campaign tells nbc news she is fully aware there is no american embassy in iran , that she meant the british did the right thing shutting theirs. meanwhile, the race between current cofront-runners mitt romney and newt gingrich is heating up. romney is up with his first serious tv ad , reintroducing himself to new hampshire voters.

>> i spent my life in the private sector. i've competed with companies around the world. i've learned something about how it is that economies grow.

>> reporter: gingrich, who refers to romney as a great manager, says his own conservative credentials make him better equipped to take on president obama .

>> i think the person who is able to debate obama and draw a sharp and defined contrast has an enormous advantage. i don't think you go to the middle. you bring the middle to you.

>> reporter: republican power brokers seem increasingly comfortable if it's these two candidates making it into the finals for the republican nomination.

>> mitt romney understands business and job creation. newt gingrich understands government. those are two very important strengths.

>> now the gingrich resurgence campaign is having growing pains. they let a few things slip through the cracks which can happen with little staff. he failed to file for the missouri primary, a nonbinding primary, only a thousand dollars filing fee. every other candidate is on it. he doesn't have a full delegate slate in new hampshire . none of them are fatal blunders but symbolic of an organizational issue potentially. meanwhile, take a look at this moment from president obama on the noncampaign campaign trail in scranton, pennsylvania yesterday, working a rope line. a woman put a scare into the secret service when she was a little too enthusiastic trying to get his attention, grabbing at his bicep. the president kept smiling and did eventually loosen her grip. savannah?

>> all right. nbc 's chuck todd with the political headlines from


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